
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2021

▷ Charla FIEC: #SSVEP_EEG Signal Classification based on #Emotiv EPOC #BCI and #RaspberryPi

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Charla FIEC: #SSVEP_EEG Signal Classification based on #Emotiv EPOC #BCI and #RaspberryPi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Charla FIEC: #SSVEP_EEG Signal Classification based on #Emotiv EPOC #BCI and #RaspberryPi   from  Victor Asanza ➡️ #EEG #Classification #HumanMachineInterface #BCI #BrainComputerInterface #Emotiv ➡️ BMS2021:  11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems #BMS2021 ➡️  Presented by:  Karla Avilés ✅ Repository:  https://github.com/kaviles22/EEG_Embedded_Systems ➡️ When using this resource, please cite the original publication: Asanza, V., Avilés-Mendoza, K., Trivino-Gonzalez, H., Rosales-Uribe, F., Torres-Brunes, J., Loayza, F. R., ... & Tinoco-Egas, R. (2021). SSVEP-EEG Signal Classification based on Emotiv EPOC BCI and Raspberry Pi. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 54(15), 388-393. ✅  Video of the talk: ✅ Conference content: Introduction Related work Dataset Methodology Results Conclusions ✅  References: Al-Saegh, A., Dawwd, S.A., and Abdu...

▷ Practice 2 #TSCLAB: Ambient temperature reading using sensor 1 and 2

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   Practice 2 #TSCLAB: Ambient temperature reading using sensor 1 and 2 ➡️ #TSCLab #TCLab #ESP32 #Arduino #EmbeddedControl #EmbeddedSystems When using this resource, please cite the original publication: Víctor Asanza, Kevin Chica-Orellana, Jonathan Cagua, Douglas Plaza, César Martín, Diego Hernan Peluffo-Ordóñez. (2021). Temperature and Speed Control Lab (TSC-Lab). IEEE Dataport. https://dx.doi.org/10.21227/8cty-6069 Objetivo general: Guardar las mediciones obtenidas con ayuda de Cool Term y exportarlas en un archivo  comma-separtaed-values  (csv). Objetivos específicos: Guardar los datos de las lecturas realizadas a temperatura ambiente. Materiales: Programa Cool Term PCB de Temperature Control Lab (TSC-Lab) TSC-Lab 3D view Introducción: Para esta práctica, el sistema sigue sin tener retroalimentación, es decir, es en lazo abierto ya que simplemente se está midiendo el cambio de temperatura conforme los heaters estén activados o desactivados y en esta práctica se t...

▷ Practice 1 #TSCLAB: Initial setups and tests

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐   Practice 1 #TSCLAB: Initial setups and tests ➡️ #TSCLab #TCLab #ESP32 #Arduino #EmbeddedControl #EmbeddedSystems When using this resource, please cite the original publication: Víctor Asanza, Kevin Chica-Orellana, Jonathan Cagua, Douglas Plaza, César Martín, Diego Hernan Peluffo-Ordóñez. (2021). Temperature and Speed Control Lab (TSC-Lab). IEEE Dataport. https://dx.doi.org/10.21227/8cty-6069 Objetivo general: Entender el funcionamiento básico de TSC-Lab para la realización de futuras prácticas. Objetivos específicos: Analizar el comportamiento de la curva cuando los heaters están activados y desactivados. Guardar las mediciones obtenidas con ayuda de Cool Term y exportarlas en un archivo  comma-separtaed-values  (csv). Repositorio: https://github.com/TSC-LAB Víctor Asanza, Kevin Chica-Orellana, Jonathan Cagua, Douglas Plaza, César Martín, Diego Hernan Peluffo-Ordóñez, April 25, 2021, "Temperature and Speed Control Lab (TSC-Lab)", IEEE Dataport, doi: https://dx.doi...

▷ FPGA Based Meteorological Monitoring Station

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ #FPGA Based Meteorological Monitoring Station from Victor Asanza ➡️ #DigitalSystems #DigitalElectronic #DigitalCircuits #HDL #VHDL #FPGA ➡️ 2021 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium #SAS ➡️  Presented by: Víctor Asanza ⭐  Read full paper:  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9530151 ⭐  Source code repository:  https://github.com/vasanza/Weather-Monitoring-Station ⭐  Dataset:  https://dx.doi.org/10.21227/mdfs-ya42 ➡️ When using this resource, please cite the original publication: V. Asanza, R. E. Pico, D. Torres, S. Santillan and J. Cadena, "FPGA Based Meteorological Monitoring Station," 2021 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/SAS51076.2021.9530151. ✅  Abstract: In this paper, we propose to implement a meteorological monitoring station using embedded systems. This model is possible thanks to different sensors that enable us to measure several environmental parameters, such as i) relative hu...

▷ Monitoring a turkey hatchery based on a #cyber_physical_system

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Monitoring of a turkey hatchery based on a #cyber_physical_system from Victor Asanza   ➡️ #EmbeddedSystems #ARM #Python #CProgrammingLanguage #AVR #Esp32 # Espressif #IoT #CyberPhysicalSystem #SensorNetwork #WirelessSensorNetwork #Processor #Arduino #RaspberryPi #FreeRTOS ⭐ https://github.com/vasanza/EmbeddedSystems ➡️  APPEL 2021:  International Conference on Applied Electronics, AE #APPEL2021 ➡️  Presented by: Anthony Maisincho & Ulbio Alejandro ⭐  Read full paper:  https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9542899 ⭐  Source code repository:  https://github.com/Embedded-Systems-Architecture When using this resource, please cite the original publication: A. Maisincho-Jivaja et al., "Monitoring a turkey hatchery based on a cyber-physical system," 2021 International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.23919/AE51540.2021.9542899. ✅ Abstract: The implementation of a turkey farm brings with it severe environme...