
Mostrando las entradas de 2022

▷ Learning-based Energy Consumption Prediction

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Learning-based Energy Consumption Prediction ➡️ #EnergyConsumptionPrediction #Energy #ESP32 #PZMT004 #OpenSource #OpenHardware #RegressionLearner #SustainableEnergyInformation #DataCenter ✅ #NodeRed #EmbeddedSystems #MIcrocontroller #Phyton #MQTT #MySQL #Telegram ➡️ #SEIT2022:  The 12th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology. August 9-11, 2022, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada ✅The Matlab code used for data processing are available in:   https://github.com/vasanza/Matlab_Code/tree/EnergyConsumptionPredictionDatacenter ✅The dataset used for data processing are available in:   https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/data-server-energy-consumption-dataset ⭐  When using this resource, please cite the original publication: Estrada, R., Torres, D., Bazurto, A., & Valeriano, I. (2022). Learning-based Energy Consumption Prediction. Procedia Computer Science, 203, 272-279. ✅  Abstract: As more people send information to the cloud-...


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ SOLUCIÓN EVALUACIÓN FUNDAMENTOS DE ELECTRICIDAD Y SISTEMAS DIGITALES, Mejoramiento (2022 PAO 1) ➡️  #DigitalSystems #DigitalElectronic #DigitalCircuits #HDL #VHDL #FPGA ⭐  https://github.com/vasanza/MSI-VHDL Circuitos Combinatoriales Digitales ✅ Problema #8: (20%). Dado el siguiente circuito, encontrar la expresión booleana que define el comportamiento de la señal de salida F sin minimizar, luego reducir la expresión booleana usando mapas de Karnaugh (A, B, C, D) agrupando unos. Resolución: ✅  Problema #7: (10%).  Dado el siguiente circuito digital, primero obtener la expresión resultante y luego seleccionar el mapa que corresponde al funcionamiento de dicha expresión: Resolución: ✅  Problema #6: (10%).  Dado el siguiente circuito digital, utilizando algebra de boole encontrar la expresión minimizada. Luego, seleccionar cuál de las siguientes opciones es la correcta : Mapas de Karnaugh ✅ Problema #5: (10%). Dado la siguiente expresión booleana que de...

▷ Raspberry Pi-based IoT for Shrimp Farms Real-time Remote Monitoring with Automated System

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Raspberry Pi-based IoT for Shrimp Farms Real-time Remote Monitoring with Automated System Keywords➡️: #EmbeddedSystems #ARM #Python #CProgrammingLanguage #AVR #Esp32 # Espressif #IoT #CyberPhysicalSystem #SensorNetwork #WirelessSensorNetwork #Processor #Arduino #RaspberryPi #FreeRTOS ⭐   https://github.com/vasanza/EmbeddedSystems ✅  APPEL 2021:  26th International Conference on Applied Electronics, AE #APPEL2021 ➡️  Presented by: Jesús Capelo & Erick Ruiz ⭐ When using this resource, please cite the original publication: J. Capelo et al., "Raspberry Pi-based IoT for shrimp farms Real-time remote monitoring with automated system," 2021 International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.23919/AE51540.2021.9542907. ✅ Abstract: This project analyses the optimal parameters for the shrimp farming, trying to help the aquaculture of Ecuador, using a cyberphysical system, which includes temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and ...