▷ Behavioral Signal Processing with Machine Learning based on #FPGA

  • ✅ Video of the talk:

✅ Published in: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-59194-6_17

✅ Paper content:

  • Introduction:

    • Sedentary lifestyle.
    • 21-25% of breast and colon cancer
    • 27% of diabetes
    • 30% of heart disease
    • Behavior of Physical Activity (PA).
    • Martín et al., Social Cognitive Theory.
    • Narayanan et al., Behavioral Signal Processing #BSP
    • Asanza et al., using dynamical model.

                • Related Work:

                  • L. Vachhani et al., proposed diferent hypotheses on the step count, which resulted in social feedback and feedback on the progress of the individual every day.
                  • Freigoun et al., implemented a smartphone application called “Just Walk” for adaptive walking intervention for sedentary and overweight adults.
                  • Martin et al., SCT is implemented in the study of the behavior of an individual for management of well-being and health.
                  • CARIMA-type models.
                  • Deep neural networks are more efficient for modeling and allow continuous decision making with the help of Internet of Things #IoT technologies.
                  • Khan et al., proposed a physical activity recognition system based on machine learning decision tree algorithm with data from 3D acceleration sensors.

                • Discussion and Conclusions:

                  • Features used in the dataset allowed us to contextualize the behavior of individuals based on the variables of the environment.
                  • Ambient temperature
                  • It was implemented using an #FPGA development card that provides great flexibility in its structuring.
                  • Was possible to obtain an accuracy of 93.0% in the prediction of the data.
                  • Multiprocessor computer in the #FPGA development card
                  • Without extra components
                • References:
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