▷ IoT-Based Shrimp Pool Optimization with LoRa Technology

 ⭐⭐⭐⭐IoT-Based Shrimp Pool Optimization with LoRa Technology

✅ Introduction:
  • Shrimp farming is a crucial industry in Ecuador, contributing significantly to the country's economy. However, it faces challenges related to diseases that can be influenced by variations in abiotic factors during the shrimp maturation stage. To address these challenges, we have developed an innovative IoT-based control and monitoring system using LoRa technology.
✅ The IoT Control and Monitoring System:
  • System Architecture:
    • Our system comprises three nodes, each equipped with sensors to measure essential abiotic parameters: temperature and dissolved oxygen. These nodes communicate through the LoRa (Long Range) interface, providing a cost-effective and efficient solution for data transmission in remote shrimp pools.
  • Fuzzy Logic Control:
    • One of the key features of our system is the implementation of a fuzzy logic control system. This control system evaluates temperature and dissolved oxygen levels to determine the optimal state of the aerator. By continuously analyzing these parameters, the system can make real-time decisions about turning the aerator on or off to maintain optimal conditions for shrimp growth.

  • Energy Efficiency
    • We conducted a detailed analysis of equipment energy consumption to ensure the system operates efficiently. By optimizing parameters in the microcontroller, we achieved a remarkable 2.55-fold increase in battery durability, reducing the need for frequent battery replacements and maintenance.
  • Communication Range
    • Testing our LoRa-based communication system demonstrated impressive results. The system successfully transmitted and received messages over distances of up to 1 kilometer in urban environments, even without a direct line of sight. This robust communication capability ensures reliable data transfer even in challenging conditions.

✅ Testing and Results:
  • Comprehensive testing of our monitoring and control system revealed significant improvements in performance. The fuzzy logic control system effectively managed the aerators, maintaining stable abiotic conditions. This resulted in a corrective trend in response to variations in temperature and dissolved oxygen, ultimately contributing to healthier shrimp growth.

✅ Conclusion:
  • Our IoT-based control and monitoring system, powered by LoRa technology and fuzzy logic control, offers a promising solution to enhance shrimp farming practices in Ecuador. By optimizing abiotic conditions and improving energy efficiency, we aim to mitigate disease-related challenges and increase overall productivity in the shrimp farming industry.
  • For more detailed information and technical specifications, please refer to the full research paper or contact our team for inquiries.
  • Stay tuned for more updates and advancements in IoT technology for agriculture!
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