▷ Monitoring of system memory usage embedded in #FPGA

    • Field Programmable Gate Array #FPGA
    • System on Chip #SoC
    • #Nios_II_Processor
    • Hard Processor System #HPS
    • Advanced RISC Machine #ARM
    • Logical bridges
    • Share physical resources
  • Related Work:
    • Renovell et Al., testing #RAM modules in #FPGA, Focus on functional tests RAM of the FPGA.
    • Wei et Al., RAM memory monitoring, Embedded System from the #HardProcessor.
    • Wang et Al., Real-time applications, Use memory-optimized way during the execution of tasks based on SoC architecture.
    • Real-time Electrocardiogram #ECG
    • FPGA with two 8GB Dual Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memories #DDR3 #SDRAM
  • Results:
    • As shown in Fig 12, the SRAM is working in the logical part executing several tasks and it is validated that as time passes the memory consumption increases. In addition, the writing times will depend on the amount of memory to be written and this varies according to the task that is being executed by the user or those that he has programmed in the Nios II.
    • As for the DD3, it is executing the Linux OS as a basis and additionally, a size proportional to the size of the SRAM is reserved for the respective comparisons, so it is observed that it has a higher consumption and longer response times. It should be considered in this comparison that the DD3 in addition to running the OS, also has the web server implemented which consumption varies according to the clients that are connecting to the webpage where it can be seen the memory monitoring of the embedded system. Also, thanks to the part of the HPS it is possible to monitor the memory of the embedded system without affecting its consumption.
    • As shown in Fig. 13, the SRAM is not under the same workload since it is only responsible for storing what Nios II needs for the execution of the tasks.
    • Finally, it was consider that the HPS portion to be very important for a clean monitoring not only of the SRAM but also of any core that is implemented in the FPGA portion, since if this application is implemented on a chip that only has FPGA the application would affect the consumption and performance of it, therefore you could not have completely reliable results.

✅ References:
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