▷ Device Free Indoor Localization in the 28 GHz band based on machine learning

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Device Free Indoor Localization in the 28 GHz band based on machine learning

  • ➡️ #MillimeterWave #MMwave #28GHz #IndoorLocation #WirelessInSite #Remcom #Matlab
  • ✅ #ML #MachineLearning #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #RegressionLearner #Classification
  • ➡️ #ANT2023: The 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, March 15-17, 2023, Leuven, Belgium
  • ✅ Some of the functionalities used in MATLAB are found in the repository: https://github.com/vasanza/Matlab_Code
  •  When using this resource, please cite the original publication:
  • ✅ Abstract:
    • By exploiting the received power change in a communication link produced by the presence of a human body in an otherwise empty room, this work evaluates indoor free device localization methods in the 28 GHz band using machine learning techniques. For this objective, a database is built using results from ray tracing simulations of a system comprised of 4 receivers and up to 2 transmitters, while a person is standing within the room. Transmitters are equipped with uniform linear arrays that switch their main beams sequentially at 21 angles, whereas the receivers operate with omnidirectional antennas. Statistical localization error reduction of at least 16% over a global-based classification technique can be obtained through the combination of two independent classifiers using one transmitter and a reduction of at least 19% for 2 transmitters. An additional improvement is achieved by combining each independent classifier with a regression algorithm. Results also suggest that the number of examples per class and size of the blocks (strips) in which the study area is partitioned play a role in the localization error.

✅ Conference content:

  • ➡️ Introduction

  • ➡️ Related Work / Motivation

  • ➡️ Methodology

  • ➡️ Results and Discussion

  • ➡️ Conclusions

✅ References:
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