▷ Implementation Of Automated System For The Reservoir 66 of the Irrigation System Chambo Guano
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Implementation Of Automated System For The Reservoir 66 of the Irrigation System Chambo Guano from Victor Asanza
- ➡️ #EmbeddedSystems #PLC #AutomatedSystem #ControlSystems #IrrigationSystem #IoT #CyberPhysicalSystem #SensorNetwork #WirelessSensorNetwork
- ➡️ APPEL 2020: International Conference on Applied Electronics, AE #APPEL2020
- ⭐ Read full paper: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9232888
- ✅ Read Proceedings: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/9223094/proceeding
- ⭐ Source code repository: https://github.com/Embedded-Systems-Architecture
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This paper presents the control and monitoring of an automated system that is being implemented for the automation of a 66-irrigation reservoir located in Chambo Guano in the #Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The Global System for Mobile communication / General Packet Radio Service #GSM is used through a Long-Term Evolution #4G_LTE antenna and a communication module connected to a Programable Logic Controller #PLC in order to notify the status of the valves, electric power troubles and the control signals for the correct operation of the irrigation system, so it can be done remotely. This project reflects how it is possible to obtain an efficient automated system with lower operating costs compared to the traditional and more importantly without having to move personnel to the control point for adjusting new conditions.
Efficiency: The margin of savings is directly related to the efficiency of the system because a timely response saves time and money not only to those in charge of the irrigation system, but also to the beneficiaries or irrigators.
Standardization of irrigation processes: When mentioning the standardization of the irrigation processes, it is necessary to verify the service conditions and current state of the reservoirs to analyze to what extent it is possible to achieve standardization of the automated process. Understanding that it will be done with the same devices, or equipment’s, to control actuators of similar characteristics.
Scalability of the control panel: The control panel installed in the reservoir 66 offers the scalability feature, it can accept more variables of future processes because of the modem and the mobile antenna.
Control for the flow delivered to users: The flow delivered to the users at present cannot be quantified because the equipment that performed the processing of that data have fulfilled their useful lifetime.
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