▷ #SSVEP_EEG Signal Classification based on #Emotiv EPOC #BCI and #RaspberryPi


✅ Video of the talk:

✅ Conference content:
  • Introduction

  • Related work
  • Dataset

  • Methodology

  • Results

  • Conclusions

✅ References:
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        14. Raquel Tinoco-Egas, Karla Aviles, Jamil Torres-Brunes, Hector Trivino-Gonzalez, Víctor Asanza, Félix Rosales-Uribe, Francis R. Loayza, Enrique Peláez, April 27, 2021, "SSVEP-EEG data collection using Emotiv EPOC", IEEE Dataport, doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.21227/0j42-qd38.
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